Connection and Curiosity

It is not unusual to hear a client state “I feel more connected with myself” at the end of a session.  Clients may seek out a Synergist because of a feeling or sense that something is missing in their life, or a feeling of disconnection, of just not being able to reach a part of themselves.  This can be caused by trauma, expectations of others or loss suffered. Becoming friends with their bodies and listening to its innate wisdom can restore a feeling of connection with that part of themselves that they feel distanced from or that they feel is lost.  Through touch and talk and awareness the Rubenfeld Synergist helps promotes a client’s sense of feeling whole within their being.
By the client and the Synergist staying curious during a session openings for growth and healing are created.

Safety and Soul Work

Creating safety for healing is creating safety for the soul.  As clients progress through their work, and clear out those old stories and patterns, the spirit lightens, and clients are able to connect more deeply to their essence.   Many have what they would consider spiritual experiences during a session where they become clearer in their purpose and path, ​ where they feel a deeper relationship with 
the whole, and sense their connection to their spirit and soul.

Rubenfeld Synergy helps with:

Physical and emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, stress and grief/loss;

Increasing self-awareness, self confidence and self esteem;

Dealing with and managing chronic tension and pain.


Find out what is up and coming.

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TRAINING program

Feeling called to learn more about how to become a 
Rubenfeld Synergist?

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"Singing the Body,
Healing the Soul,
Moving the Mind,
Completing the Whole."

-Ilana Rubenfeld

" Learning to listen to ourselves is a way of learning to love ourselves. 
 - Joan Z. Borysenko   

"The body is the sacred sanctuary of the soul.
Only when you honor, love and cherish your body can your spirit soar."
-Ilana Rubenfeld